Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lifeway Christian Stores Features Quietime CDs at Counters Across the US

Alb-qthymns-m Beginning this week, Quietime Devotion and Quietime Hymns will be featured in Lifeway Christian Stores across the United States right at the front of the counter.  In fact, many of you, will be curious about Quietime products when you buy a CD at Lifeway and visit this site,  If this is your first time, thanks for visiting.  We hope to provide you with more quiet time Alb-qtchristmas-m inspirational resources for free and to purchase such as more music, books, journals and valuable gift items in the future. 

If you've not bought the Quietime music yet, you can find it in a number of places.  Here are just a few places where you can find it:

Lifeway Christian Stores
Family Christian Stores

Look for Devotion, Hymns and Christmas CDs in any of these places.  Quietime Christmas DVD is set to release October 13 in US stores as well.  More on that soon!

Monday, July 27, 2009

What is Quietime?

Welcome to my first post.  

Alb-qtdevotion-m For years, I've considered developing this website, but it hasn't been right until now.  I've been blogging for over a year now (see my blog here).  I'm a writer of spirit-filled instrumental piano music.  I've always wanted to combine the two.  So this is my humble attempt to create a website that can be a resource for other spirit-filled believers.  

I hope to provide you most of all with some quality "soaking" music.  With this blog, I will write about my experiences and hopeful provide you with good information on quiet time resources, music for your times of worship and prayer, personal observations that I have on what it means to 'soak in the spirit' and so much more.  My wife and I lead worship at a small home group church (although we've grown and needed to move into a building) called "The Nest".  It's there that many of these resources and ideas take their root.  

I pray this website is a great resource for you.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The 'sir and ma'am' Debate

Anthem boys We'd like our boys (and daughter...eventually) to show respect to adults they interact with in their lives.  My two boys are 7 and 9.  It's been about two years now that I've been bothered by the fact that they don't look other adults in the eye or speak respectfully to them when they are spoken to.  But, when I tell them to show respect, I tell them to definitely look people in the eye, but from there, I haven't made up my mind whether they should address adults as sir or ma'am, Mr. and Mrs., Miss or Mrs., Mr. (firstname) or Mrs. (last name).  

I grew up that it was respectful to call people by their last name.  For example, "Mr. and Mrs. Keneally", for instance.  I think that stems from my German roots.  In Germany, I've observed they call each other by last name in business settings.  They don't say "Herr" or "Frau" much anymore, from what I can tell, they just call each other "Nordhoff", for example.  

But, here in the south (I live in Tennessee), most kids address adults as "sir" or "ma'am".  We've tried the southern way and sometimes it feels awkward. They boys don't always do it and they don't want to look adults in the eye.  Shoot, I can't even get them to hug correctly.  When, they go to hug their "Amo" or "Apo", they go into the hug and turn around backwards...that's a new one to me. I feel very southern, which is not natural to me, to teach them the "sir" or "ma'am" route.  I guess if the military teaches its privates to show respect to those higher in rank, it can't be all that bad.

So, I'm not quite sure my intent with this blog post other than to share (with my little world or readers...which is very VERY small) my thoughts and challenges of teaching my kids to show respect to other adults.  I haven't made a clear decision on this, and that's half my problem. My kids are going to be so confused about this issue unless I decide on something soon.

The Word of God is the ultimate authority for our family.  I don't know why I don't turn to God sooner...well, I do know why...I'm self-centered by nature...aren't we all?  Regardless, here's what it says about children respecting adults:

"Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord." - Leviticus 19:32

The Ten Commandments teach that we honor our parents.

Romans 12:10 exhorts us to treat one another with brotherly love "in honor preferring one another". Philippians 2:3 encourage us to "esteem each other better" than ourselves. I Peter 2:17 states, "Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king." I Peter 5:5 exhorts the elders in the church to feed the flock and be an example to them, but not be lords over God's heritage. The younger are to be submit themselves to the elder.

So, to me, I interpret that we do have a responsibility to raise our children to show respect to adults and even as they become adults, to show respect to their elders.  

So, help me God, as I struggle and find my way to do this.

Here are a couple of articles on the subject that I've read...or at least, skimmed...


A society in which consumption has to be artificially stimulated in order to keep production going is a society founded on trash and waste, and such a society is a house built upon sand. -Dorothy Sayers


"The more you invest in others, the more right you have to speak into their lives." - Anita Williams