Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Strength Goals

Hockey20goal20usa Another task in Strength For Life is to write 4 Goals for the 12 Week Transformation.  Here are mine...

On October 27, 2008:

  1. I will lose 20 pounds of fat and gain 6 pounds of muscle.

  2. I will lose 5 inches off my waist.

  3. Food no longer controls me.

  4. My heart is as healthy as an 18 year old!


  1. what does soccer have to do with strength? you should have used a hockey goal. PUCK PATROL FOREVER!!!

  2. what does soccer have to do with strength? you should have used a hockey goal. PUCK PATROL FOREVER!!!

  3. You're right, Danny. You only children have a way of always being right. I switched it just for you.
