Monday, October 20, 2008

Living for God's Glory

Romans 11:36 says "Everything comes from God alone.  Everything lives by his power, and everything is for his glory."

I'm reading The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren with my wife most evenings.  We were both profoundly affected by Chapter 7 last night titled 'The Reason For Everything'.  In the second paragraph, Warren explains it clearly: "The ultimate goal of the universe is to show the glory of God." 

He goes onto say later how we were made to glorify God and how we glory Him. 

As I read, I was reminded of what happened earlier that day in Carpenter's Kids (our 1st - 3rd grade children's ministry at The People's Church).  During one of the songs where I was leading worship, I sensed God's Spirit begin to flood the room.  I opened my eyes and I saw so many children sincerely worshipping their Creator with all of their heart.  It was a sweet moment - one I hope I will never forget.  I sensed the kids' hearts were sincerely loving God.  I could sense it in the room. 

Psalm63_14worshiporbThere was a photo taken by Reba Johnson during that song.  I was not surprised to see little orbs of light surrounding the kids.  I'm sure someone people could explain how those orbs were created through the way the light refracted off the lens or something like that.  However, I believe those orbs are the angels and/or God's Spirit flooding the room with His glory. 

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