Thursday, May 8, 2008

How Global Culture Impacts Worship

King_roberta_2 Roberta King (phD) at Fuller School of Cultural Studies wrote a very interesting article on the impact of Global Culture on music and worship in the church.  Check it out.

This article speaks to the heart of what we are trying to do at Go Global Entertainment. We are called to incorporate multi-cultural experiences into our worship - giving greater appreciation to the worship music of all the nations.  As Roberta, in her article, so elequently says:

We are called to reconsider the manner in which we interweave the musical tapestry of global worship, looking for new configurations of church music that center God’s people on the Lamb, the one who is worthy of our worship.




  1. Eric! Love your new blog. So glad you got on the bandwagon so fast. I'll look forward to reading more. It was so great to meet you, can't wait for the next time.

  2. OK, this was a great article. I just re-read it for the 3rd time. So much to work thru. In the past year I traveled to Africa 4 times - long story - the songs and stories that we've brought back have been very well-received by our all-white, wild-west type of congregation! Also, when we insert an old hymn, like I'll Fly Away and do it bluegrass-style, they respond very positively. I am realizing more and more that diversity in musical styles whether global or national is a good thing for us. Broadens our horizons. Takes the focus off of us and our personal preference for music and puts the emphasis solely on worshipping God, exchanging our comfortable ways and sounds for diverse, possibly uncomfortable sounds, all for His glory! I tend to move slowly and cautiously in this area, not wanting to make changes just for change sake, but to seek more varied ways to weave together sounds and words of worship. Such a huge topic. Maybe I'll post about this one day soon! So nice to meet you at Lifework. Hope to hear a lot more from you!

  3. Marina, I'm so glad I found that article. Amen to your comments. They are right on. Seeing other cultures worship God in their own language and style of music is beautiful to watch. It's wonderful when churches are open to presenting different styles of worship and music! I'm glad I met you. I'm adding you and Audra to my Blogroll now! I hope I get to try some Starbuck's with you guys in AZ sometime soon.
